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Description: .ALSACE Domain names. Alsace is a cultural, historic and administrative region of France. The new .alsace domain name extension..
Description: .Band Domain names! The .BAND domain name is the new extension for any band new or old to promote and connect with audiences in..
Description: .BAYERN Domain names - Bavaria, Germany! Instantly recognized as a Bavaria, German related website. The .baye..
Description: .BZH Domain names. The .bzh domain name extension will serve to provide both individuals and organizations in the area of Brittany w..
Description: .CAT Domain names. Catalonia is more a region than a nation but still deserves its own country code, which is why the .CAT coun..
Description: .CENTER - The Online Hub! Centers are hubs situated in the middle of an area, offering particular focused activitie..
Description: .CHAT Domain names. .CHAT is the new gTLD dedicated for services, applications and technology centering around online short mes..
Description: .CHURCH Domain names - Worship Online. .CHURCH is a TLD for any website dedicated to worshiping and practicing reli..
Description: .CITY Domain names - Visit My .CITY .CITY is a new TLD that is a dedicated online space for every aspect of a city...
Description: .CLUB Domain names - Your Passion - Your CLUB! There are literally millions of established "clubs" throughout the w..
Description: .COMMUNITY Domain names - Come together, online! .COMMUNITY is a new domain name that can be used to promote any sh..
Description: .COUNTRY Domain names - Ol' Country Road Invite the online world to see the country's side of life. Promote a nat..
Description: .CYMRU Domain Names. The .cymru domain name unites the unique Welsh community online. Wether you’re an individual or business, ..
Description: .DANCE Domain names - Express your passion! .DANCE is meant for dancers who are passionate and enthusiastic about s..
Description: .DATE Domain names. .DATE is the new gTLD dedicated for the business, promotion, usage and enjoyment of the online dating indus..
Description: .DATING Domain names - Online dating. Bring couples together with a broader network, whether its within the city, h..
Description: .DESI Domain names. People who've left the Indian subcontinent – from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanki and Bangladesh) self-identify ..
Description: .DOG Domain names. The .DOG domain name is the perfect and direct domain name for businesses, individuals, service organization..
Description: .EUS Domain names. 'Eus' is short for Euskera, the official Basque language. The goal of the .eus domain name extension is to f..
Description: .EVENTS Domain names - Gather Online! .EVENTS is the new way to market all kinds of gatherings, private or public. ..
Description: .EXPOSED Domain names - Now .EXPOSED! What is really in a fast food burger? What's the real situation of a politica..
Description: .FANS Domain names. Every day millions of people go online to seeking content about their favorite celebrities, sports teams, m..
Description: .FASHION Domain names. .FASHION is suitable for businesses in the design, manufacture, warehousing, retailing, and critiquing o..
Description: .FLORIST Domain names - Smell the flowers. Is your passion in your green thumb? Take advantage of the Internet to b..
Description: .FLOWERS Domain names. The .FLOWERS domain name is perfect for anyone or business related to events and holidays, as well as, t..
Description: .FOOTBALL Domain names. .FOOTBALL is the new gTLD dedicated for leagues, teams, coaches, players, students and fans of the game..
Description: .FRL Domain names. The new .frl domain extension is targeted at Frisian people living in Friesland (a part of the Netherlands) ..
Description: FUTBOL Domain names - What is .FUTBOL? .FUTBOL is fitting for any website with football (soccer) related content, i..
Description: .NRW Domain names. .NRW is the domain name representing the North Rhine-Westphalia region of Germany. The domain is meant..