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Description: .KAUFEN domain names - For German Shoppers. "Kaufen" is German for the English words, "to buy" or "shopping". Germa..
Description: .HOUSE Domain names - Wow, That .HOUSE! .HOUSE is suitable for businesses like real estate, construction firms, hom..
Description: .CASA - Welcome Home! The .CASA domain name represents the word "house" in Spanish and Italian, though many English..
Description: .IMMOBILIEN Domain names - Location. Location. Location. .IMMOBILIEN will have an impact on all aspects of the prop..
Description: .MAISON Domain names - Now that is classy! Maison is French for the English term, "house", and is now available as ..
Tags: .haus, .villas, .house, .immo, .haus, .casa, .maison, .immobilien, Register Top Level Domain .haus