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Foreign applicants for domain names under this category must appoint a local agent having a valid Singapore postal address as their administrative contact. Please select Trustee Service at checkout if you do not have the local contact.The local agent must provide SingPassID you can get here.
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Description: .SG Domains are intended for businesses and individuals interested in expanding and promoting their brand or website in Si..
Description: .COM.SG Domains are intended for businesses and individuals interested in expanding and promoting their brand or website in Singapor..
Description: .ORG.SG extension codes were created for all websites related to Singapore. Singapore is a city-state located in Asia..
Description: .PER.SG extension codes were created for all websites related to Singapore. The .PER.SG domain extension is intended ..
Description: .SG extension codes were created for all websites related to Singapore. .EDU.SG is designated for the educational ..
Tags:, .sg,, Singapore,